The system's operational principle revolves around the removal of organic pollutants through the establishment of an active biofilm on biological carriers.
Principle of Operation in MBBR Systems
MBBR systems, employed in water treatment plants for the biological breakdown of organic pollutants, aim to efficiently eliminate organic waste and nitrogen compounds in water. The operational principle encompasses the following steps:
Biological Carriers
At the core of MBBR systems are biological carriers, typically small plastic discs or ring-shaped pieces. These carriers provide an optimal surface for microorganisms to attach and form a biofilm.
Biofilm Formation
Microorganisms settle on the freely moving biological carriers in the water, initiating the formation of a biofilm. This biofilm expedites the process of breaking down organic pollutants by bacteria and other microorganisms.
Movement and Mixing
The biological carriers move freely in the water, naturally facilitating effective interaction between microorganisms in the biofilm and organic matter.
The system periodically introduces oxygen into the water, creating optimal conditions for aerobic bacteria to operate. This enhances the breakdown of organic matter and expedites the conversion of nitrogen into nitrate and nitrite compounds.
Post-treatment, the sediment produced is directed to sedimentation tanks. Treated water is extracted from the upper part, while the sediment is disposed of.
These steps encapsulate the fundamental processes through which MBBR systems biologically degrade organic pollutants and nitrogen compounds, purifying wastewater. This biological treatment process mirrors the natural water purification processes, offering an effective solution in wastewater treatment plants. With the mobility of biological carriers and biofilm formation, the system demonstrates high treatment capacity and efficiency.
Advantages of MBBR Systems
High Treatment Capacity: Biological carriers, providing a substantial surface area, enable effective settlement of microorganisms, resulting in elevated treatment capacity.
Modular Design: MBBR systems boast a modular design, facilitating scalability according to requirements and adaptability to various applications.
Flexibility and Compatibility: Recognized for its adaptability to diverse water qualities and wastewater conditions, the system finds application across a broad spectrum of industries and fields.
Low Operating Costs: MBBR systems are generally associated with low energy consumption and maintenance costs. The efficacy of biological treatment processes minimizes operating expenses.